Aroma Point Therapy combines the healing potency of essential oils with specific acupoints or body zones in order to catalyse shifts in the body, mind and spirit.

“Your personal vibration - the frequency of energy you hold moment by moment in your body, emotions and mind - is the most important tool you have for creating and living your ideal life. ” Penney Peirce

Aroma Point Therapy, or APT, combines the healing potency of essential oils with specific acupoints or body zones in order to catalyse shifts in the body, mind and spirit. It is a gentle, safe and exceptionally effective healing modality that engages the energetic potential hidden within essential oils; the vehicles of the plant spirits and particular plant Medicine.

The practice itself involves placing key, properly diluted oils on specific acupoints, chakras or reflex zones on the body in order to activate energetic and physiological changes.

These shifts are part of a cascade of events that unfold both in linear and non-linear realities, and they foster the establishment and "remembering" of dynamic equilibrium and authentic naturalness on all levels of being.

The basic premise is that essential oils, being energetically just as active as acupuncture points, have the ability to stimulate  points in a similar way as needles. However, the difference between them lies in the fact that, unlike acupuncture needles, essential oils are also able to provide information to a point in addition to mechanical and energetic stimulation. By stimulating and giving the point information at the same time, essential oils will ultimately achieve a greater therapeutic effect.

APT treatment consists of just one drop of an essential oil being lightly applied to the acupoint with a finger or cotton swab and held in place for a short amount of time. The practitioner will select one or more treatment sequences or patterns that typically involve activating between three and eight points. In the context of bodywork, this may be followed and/or introduced by massage, deep tissue work, etc

Aroma Point Therapy proves invaluable for clients (or ourselves) who experience mental and emotional blocks; for treating children and the elderly, as well as for those afraid of needles. It also excels at treating those with chronic conditions who are too weak or sensitive to tolerate acupuncture. It also combines beautifully with all healing modalities. 


This practice gently returns me to my heart center, grounding me in my body and in the present moment. It strengthens my heart resilience, allowing me to hold space for what’s unfolding without being overwhelmed by it. Repeat this practice daily for as long as you need, allowing it to bring balance and calm into your life.

In the video, when you reach H7, I forgot to mention the essential oil—Cedarwood.

You'll need:

Bergamot: 25% (Earshenmen)

Rose / Helichrysum / Jasmine: 10-15% (CV17)

Lavender: 25% (YinTang - 3rd Eye)

Cedarwood: 25% (H7)

Vetiver / Myrrh: 15% (K1)