
We long to live meaningful lives, to hear the call of our soul…

and the courage it takes to listen.

Our ancestors knew that all life was a ceremony, that to understand the world around us we had to listen,

they did this not only by looking at the sky above, listening to the ground below but everything in between.

The stories they told mattered, they held vital clues on how to live.

Nowadays, stories that we live by seem to centre around celebrities and superficial gossip.

There is a call to go deeper, to engage with the living world in and around us.

It is time to wake up to the consciousness that is beckoning us to remember how to listen so we can hear

the Earth speak, the plants, the animals, and the guides around us.

Being in a relationship with the elements, and waking up saying “thank you” puts us into a state where we

remember that there is more to this life than meets the eye and brings us back to the heart,

to our power of communion and reverence for life.

This sort of living brings intimacy back to our relationships and reconnects us to our souls,

to our inner worlds as well as to others who are on this journey of consciousness and awakening.

My private practice is now open again

so enquire below to find out more about private retreats, personal magickal mentoring

and healing medicine ceremonies.