Welcome to this episode where I dive even deeper and share some personal stories about my relationship with magic and how it’s unfolded more in my life since it felt like I lost so much.
I feel it’s important to talk about the word ‘witch’ because I think it’s valuable to understand my standpoint. Bear in mind, in a world that wants to create boxes and labels, this doesn’t mean that other meanings do not exist. This is my experience and view on it. In a world that loves labels but gets lost in different definitions and concepts, it’s important I share my connection to this word. I wonder how you relate to the world. Do share with me as I’d love to hear.
Have you considered how many wonderfully magick people you know, maybe you realise you are indeed one yourself?
I am loving guiding people like you to step into a magical life. If this is something for you and you’re ready to switch your vibe up, then book a call with me and awaken your magick?